2017年6月11日 星期日

Motorized Track Loader with Infrared Remote Control and & SBrick

The motorized track loader was originally designed to be controlled by two sets of infrared remote control for four motors, two motors for the track, one for the lift arm and one for the bucket.

The tow receivers were installed at the back o the loader.

The left controller was modified to a joystick type to control the lift arm and bucket.  The two levers of the right control were to control the travel.

SBrick is a blue-tooth device that control the motors via your smart phone.  It can be ordered online at around HK$500 including shipping.  For one set of original Lego IR remote control at around HK$270 per set, it seems the SBrick  is not quite expensive.

First impression was that it looked quite simple and did not worth the money.  The added value using SBRick is by registration, you can design your own control panel, download to your smartphone or simply select some of the public control panels.

By using several SBricks, you can now control very complicated motorized models form your phone.

